Saturday, November 21, 2009

Forex Trade History

Foreign trade exchange has been around for a long time but was impacted in 1944 when the Bretton Woods Agreement established the US dollar and fixed it against gold. The value of the dollare 35USD per ounce of gold and all other national currencies were based on the US dollar. The purpose of the Bretton Woods agreement was to establish certain international monetary stability and prevent money from being taken out of one country and into another. This agreement was implemented after world War II, and was made to regulate the international Forex market. Countries tried to keep the value of their currency equivalent within a certain limit to the dollar and to the rate of gold as needed. It was because of this agreement that the dollar became a leading contender and it was used as a reference in fluctuations of other currencies. This also reflected the global economic dominance that the United States now held. At this time countries were not allowed to devalue their currency in order to benefit foreign trade and the fluctuation of currencies could not go under 10%.
Forex Trade Since 1971

Trading Currency With Forex

In 1971 the Bretton Woods agreement was abandoned as the US dollar could no longer be exchanged into gold, and it was here that the market of supply and demand began to control the foreign currencies.Prices would fluctuate on a daily basis with prices changing at a constant speed and new financial tools, and market deregulations were introduced. When computers came into the financial world in the 80's then there became an even more increased trade in Foreign Exchange including curencies from Asia, Europe and the Americas. The trading increased from $70 billion a day in the early 80's to $1.5 trillion dollars a day today, and all thanks to the ability of online trading.

Foreign Currency Trading

Today Making Money with Forex Trading is for Everyone

Today anyone can make a nice profit from Forex trading. Forex trading involves changing an investment from one currency to another, and many of these are the strongest currencies in the world, including the Dollar, the British Pound, the Euro, the Swiss Franc, the Yen and others. When you trade you want to buy a currency that is at a lower exchange rate and later exchange it for a currency that is at a higher exchange rate. When doing this there are several factors you will need to look at as these determine the strength or the weakness of a currency. Factors that determine this strenght or weakness are economic growth, decline, employment rates, export of products, etc. To be successful at Forex trading you must learn to watch for these economical developments around the world.

Forex New Trading


If you are just starting out in foreign currency trading then you will almost certainly want to start your hand with a mini Forex trading.
Although it varies from one broker to the next, a Forex trading account can usually be opened with $2,500 or more. However, for those who are new to the world of currency trading then a Forex mini trading account can often be opened for as little as just $250.

A mini Forex trading account operates by allowing you to use leverage in trading so that you are effectively trading with more money than you actually have in your account. The leverage available will vary between brokers, but is typically in the region of 200 to 1.

So, what does this mean?

If we assume that the minimum required to trade a lot is $10,000 then, with a leverage of 200 to 1, you would be able to trade with as little as $60 ($60 X 200 = $12,000) and so, with an initial deposit of $250, you would be able to trade up to 5 lots.


Forex Trading Strategies Are The Key Successful


Before venturing into the world of Forex trading it is vitally important that you stop and think carefully about the trading that you are going to adopt, because Forex trading strategies are the key to success in currency trading.

Some Forex traders choose to use a technical approach when it comes to trading while others are more at home with a fundamental approach. Both approaches are of course sound, but in reality most successful traders use a combination of the two to give them both an overview of the foreign exchange and to permit them to plot specific entry and exit points for each currency trade.

Many traders also rely on what are known as support and resistance levels. Here support refers to a low price which is repeatedly seen as being the bottom of the market and from which there is a tendency for prices to rise. A ‘resistance level is a high price beyond which a currency is rarely traded.

The principle here is that, should a currency break through either its support or resistance level, its price is likely to continue in that direction. So, if the price of a currency rises above its resistance level it is considered to be bullish and the price can frequently be expected continue to rise.

Another commonly used tool in foreign currency trading is that of moving averages. A simple moving average (SMA) shows the average price in a given time period (say 7 or 10 days) when the price is plotted out over a longer time period. Forex traders use moving averages to eliminate short term fluctuations in price and to provide a clearer picture of the movements in currency prices. A SMA can be plotted to indicate when prices are displaying a tendency to rise or fall. Prices which rise above the average will frequently continue to rise and, similarly, prices which fall below the average will often continue to fall.


These are just two of the many trading tools that can be used either in isolation or in combination and it is recommended that traders make use of several trading tools to analyze the market. If you are relying on just a single trading tool then trading can often be risky but, if the results from several different tools show that the market is moving in a particular direction then trading can be conducted with a fair degree of confidence.

In many ways it does not matter what trading strategy you adopt as long as you are happy that it can provide you with clear expectations in the market and indicate to you just where you should be trading and when you should enter and exit individual trades.

A sound knowledge and understanding of fundamental and technical analysis should be every currency trader’s starting point when it comes to building a Forex trading .

Forex Trading Strategy

Forex News
Trading online without Forex news is a gamble at best. All foreign currency pairs can be volitale at any given point and time. That is why it is very important to use a good software program for receiving alerts and signals.

Automated Forex day trading is for people with too much on their plate or for those that are not comfortable with making their own trades. Automated trading systems are powered by highly sophisticated trading software. This type of trading reduces the need for instant updates and news feeds. Using extremely complicated algorithms, automated forex trading systems determine the best time to buy and sell currencies then initiates the trade.
All this is done automatically. Once the investor opens and funds the forex online trading account, the automated trading account can be activated. Next set the system wide stop loss for all trades and let the automated trading system go to work.

Forex Trading Information

The foreign exchange market – better known as FOREX – is the largest market in the world and over a million people buy and sell in the market every single day from across the globe. In this guide we shall look at what some of the most essential FOREX trading information.

What is the FOREX?

As we said before – the FOREX is the largest financial market in the world – and it handles over $1.3 trillion worth of transactions every single day. The immensity of this can be realized when we notice that the sum of all the American stock exchanges combined only reaches $100 billion a day.

It is because of the huge volumes and quick turnover of transactions that makes the FOREX so liquid. There are always buyers and sellers somewhere in the world to trade with.

Forex Trading Information

Primarily the FOREX is a short term market which very much differs from other markets out there such as the stock market. In many markets people will make long-term investments and the time frame between buying and selling assets can be several weeks, months of even years. However, in the FOREX the majority of traders enters and exit a deal within a 24-hour period – many within a matter of minutes.

Advantages of FOREX Trading

There are numerous advantages to FOREX trading over other markets, some of which we have looked at below.

The FOREX is not based in any one location – it is a global market – and because of this it is open 24 hours a day, five days a week. The FOREX opens in Sydney, Australia on Monday morning (or Sunday afternoon New York time) and closes at on Friday afternoon New York time. This offers traders many more opportunities to invest and profit. Most other stock markets are open just 7 hours per day.

As we mentioned before, it is a highly liquid market – meaning there are always people to trade with. This can be seen as a disadvantage though as fluctuations in currencies can occur within seconds so you have to get in fast and stay alert to all changes in the currency exchange rates.

Forex Trading Information For Beginner

FOREX trading is generally less risky than trading in other markets as well – as there are several built-in safety nets within the trading system.

Transactions done through the FOREX are also commission-free. Foreign exchange brokers do not take a commission but instead set a spread – which is the difference between what a currency can be bought and sold at. In other markets traders have to pay a commission to the brokers for each futures transaction that they enter into.

How to Trade in the FOREX market

FOREX trading can be very rewarding, yet it is essential that you know what you are doing before you dive in the deep-end. Before beginning FOREX trading it is important that you do your research. The more you know about the currencies and countries that they come from that you want to trade – the higher your chances of success. Some of the factors you should research include: trade and budget deficits; Gross Domestic Product; central-bank interest rates, inflation and growth rate amongst other things.

Forex Trading Guide

The majority of people these days trade online – and to do so you must first open a FOREX account which is very simple to do. By doing this you will gain access to a trading platform on which you can choose the two currencies you want to trade between and the amount you wish to trade. The most common and secure currencies to convert are between the U.S. Dollar, Japanese Yen, Swiss Franc, British Pound, Euro, Canadian Dollar and the Australian Dollar. However you have the option to trade in any foreign currency that you wish.

Another way to get involved in FOREX trading – and one of the simplest ways – is to head to the bank and purchase the foreign currency in cash that you wish to trade. You then hold onto that cash until the market has risen in turn making you a profit. It is important that you enter into the trade at a good point to maximize your chances of the market changing in your favor.

Interest Earning Forex Account

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Forex Trading School-Where Knowledge Makes a Difference

Every schoolboy knows that getting started is really the only way to learn. To help you do just that, we’ve set up a forex trading school dedicated entirely to educating young traders on the ins and outs of currency trading.

At our trading school you’ll find a step-by step guide to navigating the world of forex trading. Our comprehensive handbook is specifically designed to cater to the needs of those hoping to make a profit in online currency trading.

We have responsibly consulted with a expert educational staff and, with their advice in mind, have purposely divided our forex trading school into steps for your learning convenience:

  • Step 1 Forex Trading Background

  • Step 2 Forecasting the Market

  • Step 3 Making Skilled Decisions

  • Step 4 Opening Your First Forex Trading Account

  • Step 5 Placing Your First Order

Whether you are a new trader on your first foray into the world of online forex trading or a seasoned trader looking to refresh his skill, our forex school curriculum is guaranteed to give you the answers you need!